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Erika Kuchen

Latest From Erika Kuchen

2023-2024 Global Biopharma R&D Productivity And Growth Ranking

The overall R&D productivity of the 30 largest public biopharma companies has increased despite a challenging global environment for investment and growth. Will hype cycles impact this picture in coming years?

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2022 Global Biopharma R&D Productivity And Growth Ranking

The R&D productivity of the top 30 largest biopharma companies decreased slightly from 2021 to 2022 and the sector saw the lowest number of FDA approvals in the past 10 years. 

Sustainability Research & Development

2021 Global Biopharma R&D Productivity And Growth Ranking

A turbulent 2021: we are now in our eighth year of reviewing R&D productivity and corporate growth of the top 30 biopharma companies. While 2021 was dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, biopharma as a whole had a good but not great year.

Growth Research & Development

2020 Global Biopharma R&D Productivity And Growth Ranking

The decrease in overall R&D productivity continues – a trend that started in 2018. It would be too easy to attribute this fall in R&D productivity to COVID-19 alone.

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Global Biopharma R&D Productivity And Growth Ranking

An analysis of the R&D productivity of the world’s 30 largest public pharmaceutical companies reveals an overall drop in R&D productivity, but this should not hide the fact that some companies are still performing extremely well.

BioPharmaceutical Strategy
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